Our licensing method
We are licensing SuperGreen to one builder or contractor per state. All licenser holders get the exclusive right to make and build with SuperGreen in their state. The license holder can of course sell SuperGreen products to other builders and contractors, they can also issue sublicenses for the counties in their state. The license is valid for 99 years. Look at the map below for information about the license in each state.
Why we chose to license SuperGreen
The SuperGreen inventor and founder suffered a stroke in 2012, putting a big impediment to the plan of making safer and greener homes, revolutionizing the entire real-estate market. It took ten years to get well enough revitalize the project, but with the left side of his body paralysed he’s now confined to desk work. We think that licensing SuperGreen is the best way the build as many SuperGreen houses as possible, as soon as possible, maximizing the number of people that will have the possibility live in safer and better houses.
US licenses
In the US, SuperGreen is going to have one License holder per state. The price of a SuperGreen license is calculated as a low estimate of the profit using SuperGreen instead of traditional building material over one year with a 0.25% - 1% market share, (the bigger the state the lower the percentage, this is due to the actual number of houses having to be built in a big state to reach a certain market share).
The price is calculated using the average building cost for a house in the US, the savings when using SuperGreen, and the market share. This then is the price for a 99-year license. We claim the savings for 1 year, the remaining 98 years of savings are yours!
If you want to get your license or have any questions contact us at dario@dariobusch.com
Click on the map below for facts and prices in each state.
The states are represented by color according to population.
0,25% market share
More than 15 000 000
More than 5 000 000
0,5% market share
More than 1 000 000
0,75% market share
Less than 1 000 000
1% market share
A license holder has the right to issue sublicenses to the counties in their state.
There are 3.143 counties in the US with an average population of about 105.000. Average fee for a sublicense is $200,000 per year. There is a royalty cost that equals 1% of building costs.
The cost for building with SuperGreen is between 10%-25% lower than building with regular building materials which makes this a good venture for sublicense holders.
The license holder takes 50% of the fee for sublicenses and 50% goes to Super reen.
Example of a sublicense holder in a small county that builds 5 houses per year.
Revenue: building cost $250.000 x 5 = $1,250,000
Building with SuperGreen min. 10% saving (10%-25%) $25,000 x 5 = $125,000
Average license cost + royalty: $20,000 + 11 250 = $31,250
Investments over 10 years (Crane truck $63k, paddle mixer $47k). Per year: $11,000
Total savings building with SuperGreen: $82,750
With the bonus of a recycled home with low carbon emissions that’s better insulated, has better soundproofing, is hurricane proof, and fireproof. And the more one builds the bigger the profit.
Yearly sublicenses
1% of building cost/year
$5,000 per year​
$10,000 per year​
$20,000 per year​
$30,000 per year​
$40,000 per year​
$50,000 per year​
$60,000 per year​
$70,000 per year​
$80,000 per year​
$90,000 per year​
$100,000 per year​
$150,000 per year​
$200,000 per year​
$300,000 per year​
$400,000 per year
0 - 50.000
50.000 - 100.000
100.000 - 200.000
200.000 - 300.000
300.000 - 400.000
400.000 - 500.000
500.000 - 600.000
600.000 - 700.000
700.000 - 800.000
800.000 - 900.000
900.000 - 1.000.000
1.000.000 - 1.500.000
1.500.000 - 2.000.000
2.000.000 - 3.000.000
> 3.000.000
License price based on population size